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Supporting every child: should the government remove the 2 child limit?

Child poverty is on the rise with 700,000 more children living in poverty today compared to 2010. The Labour government has set up a Child Poverty Taskforce in response — but will they consider removing the 2 child limit? This cap, introduced in 2017, means that a family on Universal Credit or Child Tax Credits only receives the child element, extra money to help with the cost of raising a child, for up to 2 children. It applies to all children born after April 2017, with some exceptions like for twins or non-consensual conception. In April 2024 there were 440,000 households not receiving support for a third or additional child and 1.6 million children living in affected households. And as more children are born, more and more families are being affected.

We take a look at the impact of the 2 child limit on the thousands of families coming to us for help with the cost of living and explore what needs to change.

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