Adviceline 0808 278 7864 Monday to Thursday 9.30am to 3.30pm

Citizens Advice Hart is a local independent charity.

People come to us with all sorts of issues. You may have money, benefits, housing or employment problems, be facing a crisis, or just considering your options.

Our advisers will research your issues and provide information about your options. This will allow you to decide the path for you to take to resolve your issues. We will not tell you what to do but will support you until you are happy to progress your problems for yourself.

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Support Us In 2025

Here are just some of the ways you can support us this year. Click on each image for more information.

Hart Lottery

Participate in the Hart Lottery, a weekly draw that raises essential funds for good causes right here in Hart. By playing, you’re not only supporting Citizens Advice Hart but also helping to improve the lives of residents in our community.

Greeting Cards

Celebrate in style while supporting our charity.  The Make A Difference card selection is bursting with unique designs, perfect for birthdays, anniversaries, and other special occasions.

Donate While You Shop

You can support us for free by using easyfundraising or Give As You Live. Once you’ve signed up, over 8,000 brands will donate when you shop via their website or app – at no extra cost to yourself.

Outreach within the community

Citizens Advice Hart is aware that not everyone can travel to get help. We therefore offer talks to any local groups followed up by individual confidential sessions to anyone who is not able to travel to Fleet. We cover the full range of advice offered by Citizens Advice which includes help with benefit applications, looking at debt solutions, advising on employment problems and consumer or family issues.

Get Help & Advice: What to expect

To receive tailored advice, please be aware that you must first complete our web form or provide detailed information about your issue when calling our Advice Line. Simply reaching out by phone does not guarantee a meeting appointment at our office.

British Muslim Woman Using Mobile Phone In Urban Setting

Self Help

Access resources online to get up-to-date, accurate and detailed information

Senior woman at home

Phone Us

Adviceline 0808 278 7864
Open Monday to Thursday 9.30am until 3.30pm

Mid adult couple paying bills at home. Mid adult woman and man are using laptop. Male and female are sitting together at table in home.

Webform Advice

Contact us via our webform – get help quicker by giving us information about your issue.

WhatsApp Image 2025-01-20 at 13.32.08

Projects & Services

See what we are doing in the community and how we can help you

Interpreters and Translators

At Citizens Advice Hart, we can provide Translators to those whose first language is not English, enabling anyone to access a face to face appointment with one of our Advisers. We are also able to provide British Sign Language (BSL) interpreters. For more information, please contact us on 01252 878435 or via email.

Get Involved



We have several ways in which you can volunteer, depending on the experience you are looking for.


Job Vacancies

Check out the latest vacancies we have available at Citizens Advice Hart


How you can help

All donations are very gratefully received and help us keep our services going.

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