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Home & Well

Home and Well
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At Citizens Advice, we want to make sure you have all the help you need to be at Home and Well. We provide a complete wrap-around service to help you feel safe and comfortable in your home environment.

Home and Well is a unique collaboration of organisations working together to support residents of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight to return home as quickly and as efficiently as possible after a hospital stay and, importantly, ensure they have a comfortable home environment that will help them continue to recover rather than relapsing.

The Home and Well adviser works with clients with extra needs due to ill health, age, low income or young children.

Once a referral is made, a specially trained Citizens Advice adviser will:

  • Support you by signing you up for the Priority Services Registers (PSR) – a service that will ensure the patients will receive additional support should they receive a power cut or water shortage
  • Ensure you are on the best possible water/energy tariff.
  • Offer energy advice and support.
  • Help with any financial, employment, benefit, and housing concerns, including identifying any extra financial entitlements and assisting you in applying.
  • Provide a complete wrap-around/signposting service to connect you with specialists in your local community to ensure you are provided with the support needed.

The project combines all the elements of helping clients with fuel/water poverty and identifying PSR cases whilst also providing a more holistic approach and signposting clients to services helping to tackle additional issues such as housing, employment and relationships.

If you need advice about support from utility companies, then don’t hesitate to get in touch with our advice team. 

If you’re a professional who’d like to know more about the Home and Well collaboration, please get in contact via email. Our adviser will aim to respond to any queries within 72 working hours.

If you would like to make a referral – click on the button below.


We want to thank our partners for their continued support. Please click on their logos for more information.

Hampshire and Isle of Wight NHS
Portsmouth Water
Scottish and Southeren Electricity Network
South East Water
Water for Life Southern Water
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