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Modern Slavery & Trafficking Statement

Citizens Advice Hart is committed to preventing modern slavery and trafficking in our corporate activities and ensuring that users of our services and our supply chains are free from slavery and human trafficking. We are committed to promoting ethical business practices and upholding human rights. We recognise the importance of combating modern slavery, a crime that has no place in our society. As a charity, we ensure that our staff, volunteers and partner organisations understand and share our commitment to preventing modern slavery. We have implemented appropriate policies and procedures to help identify and prevent modern slavery, including risk assessments and regular training for our staff and volunteers.

As an organisation, we value diversity, champion equality and actively challenge discrimination. We recognise the importance of our role in taking a robust approach to the global problem of slavery and human trafficking. We have helped 2.8 million people face to face, over the phone, by email and via web chat last year, including many people in vulnerable situations.

Our organisation is committed to the principles of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 . We operate a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery or human trafficking. We believe everyone has the right to be free from slavery and exploitation and are committed to upholding this right. We expect all our partners to share our values and adhere to our ethical standards to ensure that they operate in compliance with the Modern Slavery Act and encourage our staff, volunteers, and stakeholders to report any concerns about modern slavery or human trafficking. We will investigate any allegations thoroughly and take appropriate action where necessary.

We offer digital advice to help people understand whether they or someone they know may have been a victim of human trafficking, signpost them to specialist support organisations, and explain what might happen if they make a police report. We are committed to regularly reviewing and improving our practices to prevent modern slavery and ensure that our policies and procedures remain up-to-date and effective.

This statement outlines Citizens Advice Hart’s commitment to preventing modern slavery within our organisation. We will continue to work hard to uphold our values and responsibilities under the Modern Slavery Act.