Adviceline 0808 278 7864 Monday to Thursday 9.30am to 3.30pm

Local Businesses in Hart

Are you a business operating in Hart or locally in Hampshire?
We can help you
We would love to start a conversation about how we could support you and find ways to mutually benefit our organisations.
We can offer
  • tailored advice for your employees
  • free Advice First Aid training and upskilling for staff
  • a direct referral pathway for your employees in need of advice
  • volunteering opportunities
You can help us by
  • raising awareness of our charity and services
  • supporting us with fundraising such as choosing us as your chosen charity of the year
  • becoming a charity partner
  • encouraging your employees to join free fundraising schemes such as easyfundraising
  • sponsoring an event
  • funding a rewarding project to deliver impact and outcomes in the community
Benefits for you
  • meeting corporate social responsibility
  • reducing your corporation tax bill by making a charitable donation, if you are a limited company
  • increasing wellbeing and benefits for employees
  • improving morale in your organisation
We are passionate about educating and prevention. We are seeking funding for our financial education project ‘Work Out Your Money’ delivering money skills into schools and colleges.
Get in touch with us today and start the conversation – we look forward to hearing from you.