Adviceline 0808 278 7864 Monday to Thursday 9.30am to 3.30pm

What we Cannot Help With

Here’s a quick reference guide to the topics we aren’t able to advise on. Please don’t hesitate to reach out for any other questions or support you may need. 

 Legal Advice including Completion of legal forms
Citizens Advice Hart does not give legal advice, including completing forms. Please refer to Support Through Court who are able to help fill in forms. (Rights of Women can also help with family, immigration and criminal cases)

If you need to search for an accredited solicitor, take a look at the Law Society website: 

  • Go to Find a solicitor.
  • Select More options. 
  • Choose a scheme from the Accreditation scheme membership drop-down menu (e.g. Clinical Negligence Accreditation Scheme). 
  • Complete at least one of the mandatory search fields, e.g. post code / location. 
  • Click on the name of any firm to see further information, including contact details.

Details of members of other accreditation schemes can be obtained as follows: 

If you’re approaching retirement, Pension Wise is a free and impartial service from MoneyHelper to help you understand what your pension options are.  You can find out about Pension Wise on the MoneyHelper website.

We do not give financial advice, but further information can be found on Mortgage problems via the National Citizens Advice website.

We are not regulated to give tax advice and this includes tax returns and any tax advice should go via other appropriate agencies such as:  

Financial Advice (advice about investments) – we are not regulated to give financial advice but can direct you to specialists such as an independent financial advisor or MoneyHelper to discuss any issues around;  

  • stocks and shares
  • pensions
  • life assurance 
  • unit trusts
  • options or futures – this is not an exhaustive list

A financial adviser can help with things like: 

  • planning for your retirement
  • investing or saving money 
  • making the most of a lump sum of money such as a redundancy payment or an inheritance 
  • buying a property or taking out a mortgage 
  • when your life changes for example, you’re starting a family, getting divorced or you’ve been widowed. 

If you’re looking for financial guidance you could contact a free, impartial organisation that specialises in financial guidance. For example, you can get guidance about money on the Money Helper website. 

Represent clients in court, at tribunal or at a benefits appeal.
For civil and Family Court we can direct you to Support Through Court. 

 Notarise Documents
We cannot authorise any person working or volunteering for Citizens Advice Hart to sign documents as a notary.  Please refer to the following website to find qualified notaries: How do I find a Notary? – The Faculty Office 

 Level 2 or 3 immigration
We are a level 1 immigration advice centre and we cannot advise on level 2 or 3 immigration. 

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